citations: 62
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rowid | hash_id | code | kind | repeat | desc | narrative |
62 | 7c8eed2e5934da8c | 2.33(b)(3) | Critical | 0 | Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care. | Pertaining to IACUC approved Protocol 20100: On 4/21/23 rabbit #87 was anesthetized by investigator staff for an IACUC approved operative procedure using injectable agents followed by an inhalant agent at 2% for maintenance anesthesia. The animal’s heart rate began to increase during the procedure and the investigator staff increased the percentage of inhalant agent to 3% for 30 minutes. The heart rate remained elevated and the investigator decided to administer an additional dose of the injectable agents, kept the inhalant agent at 3%, and continued the study procedure. The rabbit’s heart rate remained elevated, but the investigator staff did not contact the Attending Veterinarian. The inhalant agent was discontinued when the procedure was completed, constituting over 4 hours inhalant anesthesia and over 2 hours at 3%, but the rabbit’s oxygen level began to drop, and respiratory depression developed. At that point, investigator staff contacted veterinary staff who immediately responded and initiated treatment. The animal’s condition continued to deteriorate, and the rabbit was euthanized. The necropsy results were that the death was due to anesthesia error. Per this Section, each research facility shall maintain a program of adequate veterinary care that includes the observation of all animals to assess their health and well-being. The observation of animals may be accomplished by someone other than the Attending Veterinarian (AV). However, a mechanism of direct and frequent communication must be in place to convey timely and accurate information concerning any problems of animal health observed in the animals to the Attending Veterinarian who has the authority to ensure that the animals are provided adequate veterinary care. There was a failure of the investigator staff to contact the AV during the operative procedure when there was a problem of animal health. The Attending Veterinarian and research facility acted promptly to address this incident and implemented corrective measures prior to this inspection, which included additional training of the investigator staff, modifications to the proposal for animal use, and requiring that veterinary staff administer anesthesia. There have been no additional incidents. To remain corrected from this day 3/22/24 forward. This inspection was conducted with facility representatives from 3/18/24 through 3/22/24. The exit briefing was held with facility representatives on 3/22/24. n |