rowid,hash_id,code,kind,repeat,desc,narrative 73,903b6fdd74607552,2.31(c)(3),,0,Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).,"During the review of the Semi-annual Reports to the Institutional Official (IO), it was noted that: 1. The semi-annual Program reviews conducted by the IACUC in 3/22, 10/22, and 3/23 identified that the research facility’s Contingency Plan had been prepared in November 2013 and needed to be updated. However, the deficiency did not have a specific plan and schedule with dates for correction and the deficiency was not categorized as minor or significant on the three Reports to the IO. 2. The semi-annual Facility inspections of site 001 in 10/22 and 3/23 were conducted by one IACUC member (Attending Veterinarian) and one other person who was not a member of the IACUC. 3. The 3/22, 10/22, and 3/23 Semi-annual Reports to the Institutional Official were not signed by a majority of the IACUC members. Per this Section, one of the functions of the IACUC is to prepare reports of the Committee’s semi-annual evaluations of the program for animal use and its inspection of the facilities. The report must contain a reasonable and specific plan and schedule with dates for correcting each deficiency. The IACUC may use subcommittees composed of at least two Committee members and may invite ad hoc consultants to assist in conducting the evaluations, however, the IACUC remains responsible for the evaluations and reports as required by the Act and regulations. The reports shall be reviewed and signed by a majority of the IACUC members. This process ensures that the Institutional Official is kept informed and provided with accurate information on the status of both the animal use program and the research facilities. Correct from this date 3/24/23 for all future semi-annual reports to the Institutional Official." 74,903b6fdd74607552,2.36(b)(5),,0,Annual report.,"During the review of the research facility’s USDA FY 22 Annual Report, it was noted that no rabbits were reported. However at the time of the 3/16/22 inspection, there were 2 rabbits at site 001. Per this Section, the USDA Annual Report shall state the common names and the numbers of animals upon which teaching, research, experiments, or tests were conducted that involved no pain, distress, or use of pain-relieving drugs. Routine procedures (for example injections, tattooing, blood sampling) should be reported with this group. The USDA Annual Report documents a research facility’s animal use activities and the animal usage during the federal fiscal year (October 1 through September 30); the species and number of animals should be accurate. The research facility needs to submit a revised annual report to USDA by 4/7/23. This inspection and exit briefing were conducted with facility representative. End Section"