rowid,hash_id,code,kind,repeat,desc,narrative 13,807f4d02f5bf64ea,2.31(d)(1)(2),,0,INSTITUTIONAL ANIMAL CARE AND USE COMMITTEE (IACUC).,"Two IACUC approved protocols did not have an alternative search for procedures that would cause more than momentary or slight pain and distress to the animals. **08092013EH00009-02 involving pika was designated as a ""Category D"" which includes procedures for which analgesia, sedation, tranquilization, and/or anesthesia are provided to relieve anticipated pain and/or distress. There was no search for alternatives for the procedures for which anesthesia was to be used in the animals. **20150205SF00139-01 involving sheep had a search for alternatives to painful and/or distressful procedures that had the keywords ""indwelling catheters and alternatives"". Other procedures proposed (blood pressure manipulations) would be potentially painful and distressful but no search for alternatives to these methods were made by the principal investigator. Alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress to the animals must be considered by the principal investigator to ensure that animals are being used in research in the most humane manner to meet scientific goals. Whether alternatives exist or can be used by the principal investigator is not the deciding factor in conducting an appropriate search. The IACUC's review of activities involving animals shall ensure that the principal investigator has considered alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary or slight pain or distress to the animals, and has provided a written narrative description of the methods and sources, e. g., the Animal Welfare Information Center, used to determine that alternatives were not available. To be corrected by 5/31/2015. Inspection and exit interview conducted with facility representatives and AC VMO, Tracy Thompson, DVM."