rowid,narrative,desc,web_siteName,kind,hash_id,web_inspectionDate,code,repeat,pdf_insp_type,pdf_animals_total,web_certType,pdf_customer_id,pdf_customer_name,pdf_customer_addr,customer_state,pdf_site_id,doccloud_url,lat,lng 36,"On 13 May 2018, according to the paperwork for American Airlines Waybills 06761646 and 06761300 the intermediate handler accepted shipments of kittens where the age on the Health Certificates (dated 11 May 18) is only 7 weeks old. No cat shall be accepted by any intermediate handler or carrier for transportation in commerce unless such cat is 8 weeks of age and has been weaned. Per this regulation, all dogs and cats transported in commerce must be at least 8 weeks of age and fully weaned. This facility must take steps to assure that future acceptance of all dogs are at the minimum age for the health and safety of the animals. Correct from this day forward. This inspection and exit interview were conducted with facility representatives.",MINIMUM AGE REQUIREMENTS.,"GENERAL AVIATION TERMINAL, INC.",,95b50f60687b127b,2018-08-15,2.130,0,ROUTINE INSPECTION,0.0,Class H - Intermediate Handler,31.0,General Aviation Terminal Inc,"8400 Airport Blvd West Ramp Rd Mobile, AL 36608",AL,SAN,,30.6800208,-88.24911399999999